By Eugene Davidovich, July 19, 2009
If you thought that Operation Green Rx only occured in the beginning of this year and only affected collectives operating prior to the Supreme Courts Decision to not hear San Diego County Board of Supervisors Law Suit and attempt to overturn Prop 215, think again!
July 7th, 2009 Detective Mike Mendez from the San Diego Police Department’s Narcotics team went to Dr. Clark’s office in San Diego, lied about his identity, symptoms, condition, and obtained under the name of Pierre Tiberius Uggla a valid Physician’s Statement and Recommendation for the medical use of marijuana.
Here is a picture of his Valid California Driver's License, he used to obtain the Recommendation:
On Thursday July 9th Detective Mike Medez went to Answerdam (a medical cannabis collective in San Diego), provided a copy of the recommendation along with a valid CA Drivers License #N3267614 shown above, and successfully joined the collective. When completing the appropriate paperwork to join the collective, “Pierre Uggla” accidentally wrote his real name Mike Mendez on the form.
As research on line (UT Article) and public records has shown Detective Mike Mendez (Pierre Uggla) has been with the San Diego Police Department for over 20 years, and currently is assigned to the San Diego Narcotics Task Force.
It was also reported that Mike Mendez said “Whats the good kron here?” when entering the medicine room of the collective.
Detective Mike Mendez (Pierre Ugla) arrived at Answerdam on Thursday July 16th in a light blue 2005/06 Toyota Avalon) driven by Detective Mark Carlson (Sterner Vs. Carlson) also of the San Diego Police Departments’ narcotics team that was involved in Operation Green Rx ( in February where another Detective of the San Diego Police Department (Scott Henderson) called and joined all of the collectives then listed on CA NORML.
To see the undercover footage from Operation Green Rx of February of this year, please visit
Both Detective Mike Mendez (Pierre Uggla) and Detective Mark Carlson were accompanied by two more detectives driving a Silver Van. These detectives have not yet been identified, however interviews with Top Quality Collective security staff have revealed that the two detectives driving the silver van went into the collective and attempted to join without the proper paperwork. It is reported that the detectives began to act belligerent and began to harass the members arriving, when asked to leave the premises, the were reported telling the security staff “who's side are you on?”.
According to reports from several other collectives in San Diego, Mike Mendez (Pierre Uggla), Mark Carlson, and the two detectives in the Silver Van, have made several attempts in the past few weeks to join multiple collectives here in San Diego.
This is both shocking, and additional proof that The San Diego Narcotics Task Force has made it's Top Priority to shut down all collective cultivation / distribution efforts in San Diego, regardless of the attempts made by collectives to follow the law.
The 'war' on the San Diego Medical Cannabis community by a select few has not ended. The people of San Diego should demand a STOP to Operation Green RX, these senseless investigations, and the continued harassment of collectives in San Diego by the select bias driven few in the Narcotics Task force.
Please write the San Diego City Council and ask them to call for an immediate stop to Operation Green Rx, and a full Grand Jury investigation.
Email all the council members:;;;;;;;;
Or email them individually:
District 1
Councilmember Sherri Lightner
District 2
Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer
District 3
Councilmember Todd Gloria
District 4
Councilmember Tony Young
District 5
Councilmember Carl DeMaio
District 6
Councilmember Donna Frye
District 7
Councilmember Marti Emerald
District 8
Council President Ben Hueso
Eugene Davidovich, /
Stop marijuana prohibition. You didn't learn from history, so you were doomed to repeat it. You have to be literate to read a history book. Now it's too late. Legalize the crap so we can get rid of the crime, farm hemp, medicate the terminally ill and GENERATE REVENUE.