Friday, July 3, 2009

Medical Marijuana Patient Incarcerated at Prelim Hearing

In the Downtown San Diego Courthouse, District Attorney Chris Linbergh suggested a bail of $100,000 on, & resulting in the incarceration of, Defendant Cletus Greathouse. Judge Gale E. Kineshiro would not allow an expert witness to testify on behalf of Greathouse, instead she called him "a man who deals illegals drugs & is a threat to society!"
Testimony among 3 law enforcement officers touched topics of commercialized marijuana packaging, myspace advertising, & business cards for Cletus 'Kron' Greathouse, who they also established co-owned & operated Chronic Care Providers, a medical marijuana collective on Dagget St in San Diego. There was no denial of a grow room, available medicine, or other operational procedures by the defense. In fact, Greathouse promoted & promotes the medical use of marijuana!
However when the defense asked that expert witness Bill Britt be allowed to testify, they were denied claiming they've yet to prove beyond a sufficient measure that Greathouse is a medical marijuana patient. The defense produced a photocopy of his recommendation & the Court responded that the recommendation is unverifiable:The recommending Physician or a Keeper of Records would have to be present.
As the bailiff arrested Greathouse, he cried for mercy. Another couple of bailiffs cleared the room.
Cletus Greathouse will sleep in a jail cell.
His next date in court is July 16th.
He does NOT have his medications with him.
His bail is set $100,000.
Greathouse has been fighting charges for almost a year & has gone broke doing so.
He no longer operates, or has any part in, any collectives.
He has made all of his court dates.
Cletus didn't break any law.
He has also not been convicted.
Cletus has helped many patients.
You can also count on him to be at other Defendant's court dates, supporting them.

Help Cletus 'Kron' Greathouse: Prisoner of the Marijuana War
Please contact the District Attorney & Judge Kineshiro.
It is almost the weekend & Cletus will most likely be stuck in downtown county jail.
Ask them to lift Cletus' bail. Respect the Physician's recommendation. Have compassion & common sense.

Here's the courtroom number: 619-450-5040
Or write to the Courthouse
Attn: Honorable Judge Gale E Kineshiro
Main Courthouse
220 W. Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101

District Attorney's office can be reached here.
Hall of Justice
330 W. Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101
FAX: 619-237-1351

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