Though it may seem as all is well in San Diego with so many coops & collectives forming, ID cards being issued by the County, & Obama backing the Feds off, but San Diego court rooms are a whole other story. Imagine being a medical marijuana defendant, & the judge allows only law enforcement to testify, while your witnesses get denied, your Physician's recommendation: "heresy," & the undercover officer, who went out & received a valid doctor's recommendation with your tax money is heralded a hero, & yourself a dealer of illegal drugs & a threat to society.
Illegal drugs & a threat to society... over Marijuana? CA Prop 215 passed with 56% voter approval in 1996. Every day new research is yielding more & more beneficial facts about the uses of cannabis & hemp. Recent reports are showing that 70-90% of adults want cannabis taxed & regulated.
So why is San Diego's District Attorney's office, prosecuting medical marijuana people so aggressively? $$, fear, ignorance?? Week after week marijuana is disregarded as the miracle plant that it is. Non-violent offenders, who go through the court process, get drained themselves (financially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc), but provide a lot of paychecks. Judges, lawyers, bailiffs, secretaries.. You could look at the waste of money in the court systems forever.. Why are we wasting money on medical marijuana? But isn't marijuana legal? Isn't it?
How do we change this? "Most people think, Great God will come from the skies,
Monday July 13th, 2009 - 8:15 am San Diego Superior Court 220 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101
Learn more at http://www.
I am sorry that you are the target of the district attorney's misguided ire. It could be any of us in your shoes and you are fighting the battle for all of us. I wish you the best.