This blog is dedicated to making the public aware of what happened in operation Green Rx / Endless Summer as well as the continued prosecution of legitimate medical cannabis patients trying to follow the law in San Diego as a result of District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis' thirst for a higher conviction rate and bias towards medical cannabis.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A letter to the Bonnie Dumanis from Mr. and Mrs. Little
My husband and I are dismayed by the tactics used by your local task force to harass and inhibit lawful exercise of patient’s rights under California Proposition 215 (including SB 420).
For local law enforcement to fraudulently obtain a doctors
recommendation for purposes of falsely obtaining medical cannabis and
arresting the provider is unethical, but more importantly unlawful.
The providers relied on the valid medical recommendation. The doctor
relied on patient self reporting and identification provided. All
physicians rely on patient self reporting of symptoms to inform
My view is that, for your office, political considerations in this case trump legal considerations.
You are corrupting constitutional rights we have long cherished in
this country. And, you are corrupting the doctor/patient relationship by use of deception of innocent third parties.
We intend to financially assist the defenses of these innocent
victims, through appeal if necessary.
I fully believe, however, that no jury in State Court will convict these individuals.
Claudia and Ronald Little
Ashland, Oregon
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Compassionate Use Act. What are we teaching the children?
Is anybody else tired of hearing the same old worn out argument “but it sends mixed messages to the children” when it comes to the Compassionate Use Act and the business of getting cannabis to the patients who are helped by it? And how about the fact that as soon as some mad mother plays the kid card, it effectively shuts down intelligent conversation about lifting cannabis prohibition, giving parents license to tromp on another’s rights in honor of their own children? I for one don’t temper my adult conversations with kids in mind so why are we doing this in the face of talk about sensible drug policy? These kids will grow up to be adults who will need the skills to view the real world and make real choices. They will need to be respectful of others, compassionate and kind while deciding what is right for them and looking out for number one.
Using children to gain political ground is a low-class and a decidedly harmful tactic that should be called out every time it is engaged in. Why are we allowing it? Let’s man up here. Sorry if, as a woman I’m among the first to suggest it. Having no kids (I never wanted them), it isn’t surprising that I’m sick of this argument. But, am I alone? I’m sure I can rule out the rabid soccer moms I’ve just alienated but you sensible parents, don’t you think your children are intelligent and resilient enough to understand clarifying laws which allow people who are helped by medical cannabis to obtain it safely doesn’t mean your kids are hearing any message other than one of compassion? Especially since it’s the law? Don’t we have a duty to teach our kids to have compassion AND to follow the law even though we may not understand it? A conversation about finding common ground and resolving conflict makes us better humans and better citizens. What it should not do is make us sheep led to the trough of certain drug addiction and ruin and I resent the implication. Can we grow up, please? Treating children as if they can’t reason is a disservice to them and our communities. I don’t believe acting compassionately sends a mixed message that kids will interpret as a green light to use drugs because I think kids are smarter than that. And I don’t even have any to misjudge, mistrust or underestimate.
Terrie Best, Stop Operation Green Rx Campaign Manager
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Donna Lambert Request for Court Support and Phone Calls to District Attorney
Saturday, August 22, 2009
CHULA VISTA - Medical Cannabis Forum - Aug 27 5:30pm
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
CA Appeals Court: storefront dispensaries may operate legally as collectives or cooperatives
From: Dale Gieringer <>
Date: Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:06 AM
Subject: CALCBC: CA Appeals Court: storefront dispensaries may operate legally as collectives or cooperatives
In an important decision regarding a
Riverside medical cannabis dispensary, People v
Hochanadel, the CA 4th District Appeals Court
ruled that storefront dispensaries may operate
legally as non-profit collectives or
cooperatives. At the same time, however, the
court ruled that the dispensary in question did
NOT legally qualify as a "primary caregiver"
under Prop. 215.
The decision confirms Cal NORML's legal
advice that dispensaries should organize as
collectives/cooperatives, NOT caregivers.
- D. Gieringer
> People v Hochanadel (filed 8/18/09) Fourth Dist.
>We also conclude that storefront
>dispensaries that qualify as "cooperatives" or
>"collectives" under the CUA and MMPA,
>and otherwise comply with those laws, may
>operate legally, and defendants may have a
>defense at trial to the charges in this case
>based upon the CUA and MMPA. We further
>conclude, however, that the court erred in
>finding that CannaHelp qualified as a primary
>caregiver under the CUA and MMPA
> Fantastic decision clears up much of the issues in this area of law.
> Bill
> People v Hochanadel (filed 8/18/09) Fourth Dist.
> SB 420 did not amend the CUA, but was enacted to facilite
> the transfer by members of cooperatives and collectives,
> however, no storefront or operator may qualify as a caregiver.
> Storefronts if operated for no profit & per AG Guidelines are immune
> to prosecution.
> Note the AG didn't participate in this appeal, he must have agreed
> in part with the trial court.
> Enjoy, Bill McPike
Thanks, Bill.
It's an interesting decision with a good deal of explicit support for
legality of collectively or cooperatively operated MCD's.
It seems a bit of a mixed bag for the two manager/owners as their
standing to challenge the search warrant was dependent on being part
If the DA from their jurisdiction (seems likely in Riverside)
attempts re-trial the court's finding that the def's were part owners
cuts both ways. Neither collectives or cooperatives have owners per
se, a characteristic of businesses operated as proprietorships or
Dale Gieringer -
California NORML, 2215-R Market St. #278, San
Francisco CA 94114 -(415) 563- 5858 -
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
SDNN - A More Perfect Union - NEW POST - Tuesday August 18, 2009
A More Perfect Union - - Eugene Davidovich: Proving my medical marijuana case
August 18, 2009
As news of Operation Green Rx, its questionable methods of execution, and the fraudulent manner in which it was announced, spreads through District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ constituent base, a lot of supporters have stepped forward to condemn the operation and the tactics used. Even elected officials are beginning to recognize that the operation was a colossal waste and misuse of power. In a recent conversation I had on Facebook with state Assemblymember Lori Saldaña (D-San Diego), she labeled Operation Green Rx as “monumentally unjust.”
Operation Green Rx is an ongoing investigation, part of Bonnie Dumanis’ “fierce fight” against medical marijuana in San Diego. As part of the operation our San Diego police detectives went to a local doctor, lied about their symptoms, condition, and identity and obtained recommendations for medical cannabis. They then proceeded to join all the collectives listed on the CA NORML Web site with the intent of shutting them down.
In February of this year approximately a dozen houses were raided, patients arrested and then lumped in with other drug cases which had nothing to do with medical cannabis.
Shortly after the raids in February, President Obama issued a statement announcing the end of federal participation in raids on legitimate state medical cannabis patients, collectives and co-ops. One would think that a message like that from our President would resonate with the DA’s office. Unfortunately it did not.
Less than a month ago, as a part of the continuing “Operation Green Rx”, detectives — who are trained by the California Narcotic Officers Association that marijuana is not medicine — again went to a local doctor, lied about their symptoms and obtained medical cannabis recommendations. This cycle of lies seems to be happening every few months.
Thirteen years of repression here in San Diego has caused a lot of pent up demand for medical cannabis facilities in town. Patients seem not to care about the DA’s stance on the issue, and as you may have noticed this “fierce fight” has not prevented medical cannabis collectives and coops from opening up throughout the city. In fact it has encouraged them. Since February, in San Diego more facilities where patients can obtain their medicine have opened than ever existed before.
As Dumanis wages her fierce fight against medical cannabis in San Diego, the federal government is preparing to expand their already existing medical cannabis growing program. Last week, in an article titled “ObamaCare’s Medical Marijuana,”Rachel Ehrenfeld outlined the Federal Government’s request for proposals for medical cannabis cultivators.
She writes: “The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is venturing into the distribution and production of marijuana cigarettes. According to the August 5 solicitation for proposals, the selected organizations will be controlled by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and will have to comply with FDA regulations.”
This a renewal contract for the already existing federal medical cannabis growing contract in place with the University of Mississippi.
In a follow up article titled “The Case For Medical Marijuana,” Bruce Mirken of MPP writes “Since 1978, actually. The federal government has been distributing medical marijuana to a small group of patients for more than three decades via a program known as an IND (for ‘investigational new drug’). This program has been covered in the media from time to time, and still exists, although it was closed to new enrollment by President George H.W. Bush in 1992. It’s not exactly a state secret.”
Mikern also mentions that “there is a wealth of research that documents marijuana’s medical efficacy and safety, and a vast array of medical and public health organizations that have recognized marijuana’s medical potential.”
Related Links:More by Eugene|More marijuana stories|More politics
The federal government is ramping up for medical cannabis production and California is preparing for the passage of any one of several pro-cannabis initiatives. But in a state where medical cannabis has been legal for over 13 years now — San Diego’s misguided district attorney is still “fighting fiercely against it.”
I agree with Saldaña and the hundreds of people I spoke to about Operation Green Rx. This “fierce fight” is monumentally unjust, a waste or our taxpayer dollars, is illegal, and must end. The misconduct in this operation should be publicly known and the people responsible held accountable.
In response to the continued harassment and this fierce fight, patients, collectives, and coops in town have united to launch the Stop Operation Green Rx campaign, an effort to draw attention to the issue, end these continued illegal prosecutions, and prevent more raids.
Constituents are now writing letters to the State Bar of California to complain about the District Attorney’s unethical practices and her violations of the rules of professional conduct. Calls, email, and letters are now pouring in to the Citizens Review Board on police practices with complaints against the conduct of the detectives in this operation, and the Grand Jury on a daily basis is being asked to investigate this waste, fraud, and abuse.
Will the charges be dropped and the operation stopped? Or are we in for another colossal waste in the DA’s bi-annual round of raids on medical cannabis patients?
Help Stop Operation Green Rx, join the cause on Facebook and read the Operation Green Rx blog for the latest.
Did you vote for Prop 215? Help Stop Operation Green Rx
Operation Green Rx is an ongoing investigation part of San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis' “fierce fight” against medical marijuana. As part of the operation our San Diego police detectives went to a local doctor, lied about their symptoms, condition, identity and obtained recommendations for medical cannabis. They then proceeded to join all the medical cannabis collectives and coops listed on the CA NORML website with the intent of shutting them down. In February of this year approximately a dozen houses were raided and people arrested, then lumped in with other drug cases which had nothing to do with medical cannabis, and the operation titled “Endless Summer” and announced as a success in eradicating drug dealing from Navy bases.
Less than a month ago, as a part of this continuing “Operation Green Rx”, more detectives trained by the California Narcotic Officers Association that marijuana is not medicine, went to a local doctor, lied about their symptoms, condition, and obtained medical cannabis recommendations.
In response the continued attack and harassment of medical cannabis patients in San Diego, patients, are organizing a campaign to Stop Operation Green Rx.
Help stop the illegal operation and join the campaign. We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions:
Public Relations / Outreach
Legal Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
IT Specialist
Please email with your name, phone number, a brief description of your skill set, and hours per week able to contribute.
Join the cause on Facebook at
Read the Operation Green Rx blog for the latest
Monday, August 17, 2009
Law Enforcement Concerns about Medical Marijuana - COMMENTS NEEDED
- It violates Federal Law
- Street dealers selling at lower prices to entice patients away from dispensaries
- Non-residents coming into the city to purchase marijuana
- Marijuana DUI by people who have obtained drug from the dispensary
- Neighboring businesses have experienced a loss of customers
- Increase in unreported crime to avoid negative publicity to the dispensary
- Problem of patients selling to non-patients
- Documented cases of robbery outside marijuana dispensaries
- Dispensaries create alternative methods to sell products-such as food items
- Complaints from patients that other illegal drugs are being sold from dispensary
- Marijuana dispensaries perpetuate a sub-culture that openly supports behavior consistent with criminal activity and publishes instructional material on the web
- Management from an established dispensary told police that they cannot keep the criminal element out.
Escondido (San Diego) Medical Cannabis BAN
According to Americans For Save Access, outwright bans are illegal, and cities that pass them are setting themselves up for lawsuits.
Imperial Beach vs. Sounth Bay Organic Coop
By: Marcus Boyd
Below are the Imperial Beach City Council Meeting Agenda items 6.6 for our Co-Op land use appeal and 3.1 to place a moratorium on any collective or cooperative in the city. In the 6.6 Agenda Item Staff Report the city staff outright lies, gets caught and then is completely exposed and totally admonished by my follow up request and land use appeal (see below).
If you or any of your friends or readers can offer any suggestions, insight, assistance, press coverage or… anything… please do! Can we have a web discussion or something to get others to read and offer help?
Thank you,
Marcus Boyd
I am writing today to respectfully request the withdrawal of my Request for Continuance. Moreover, I request consideration of the agenda order of the land use appeal item, specifically; I request the land use appeal be heard prior to the moratorium item for the following reasons:
(1) Establish land use approval prior to moratorium:
The request for a business license was contingent on land use approval; I respectfully request a fair chance to appeal the land use decision prior to any preemptive moratorium on the land use.
(2) Material misrepresentation in the 6.6 Staff Report:
Written in the 6.6 Staff Report, signed by Mr. Foltz, distributed to the general public and council members is an assertion that South Bay Organic Co-Op "may be in violation of state laws", apparently because...."there is no specific confirmation that the cooperative is duly organized and registered as a cooperative". However, confirmation was never requested by the city staff, if confirmation had been requested, Articles of Incorporation and any other requested "specific confirmation" would have been provided.
Please be advised, throughout the land use determination process, there remained, open communication via several emails and phone calls to and from myself and city staff, Tyler Foltz, in which Mr. Foltz asked for and was provided with all requested information; in fact, additional information was provided, thought relevant for our land use determination. At no time did the city staff request information that was not promptly provided.
Clearly, portions of the 6.6 Staff Report were purposefully written maliciously to unjustly represent the cooperative as illegitimate and illegal, based on a “confirmation” that was not requested or, by law even required until the cooperative actually began operating a business and “facilitating transactions”.
(3) Deliberate Deception in the 6.6 Staff Report with additional use of a play-on-words:
Whereby the staff report wordplays "means for facilitating or coordinate transactions between the members of the cooperative" to not mean "sell or sold". However, the statement used in the Staff Report was a “staff modified” excerpt of a pivotal paragraph found in the Attorney General's guidelines, the correct full text reads... "Cooperatives should not purchase marijuana from, or sell to, non-members; instead, they should only provide a "means" for facilitating or coordinating transactions between members.”
Additionally, Section D of the same guideline is entirely devoted to the "Taxability of Medical Marijuana Transactions".
Common sense tells us that "transactions" means "sales" if the transactions are subject to state sales tax! Subsequently, the use of the word “sell or sold” on the Business Tax Certificate Application does not negate or by any means detour from the non-profit or legality status of the cooperative, but rather is used to simplify the excerpt “means for facilitating or coordinating transactions” without the use of wordplay.
Please review carefully the 6.6 Staff Report and reason clearly in your mind why there was a strategic replacement of the pivotal word “MEANS” with the word “MERELY”. The word replacement noticeably misrepresents the cooperative to the city council and makes it appear as though the cooperative is operating illegally, when in actuality, the cooperative is not “in violation of state law” and is in full compliance and in accordance with state laws and guidelines. The 6.6 Staff Report replaces the pivotal word, “MEANS”, as an intentional attempt to mislead and misguide the city council, circumvent the will of the voters and to rewrite the California Attorney General’s guidelines with the ultimate goal of defending and upholding the land use determination with deliberate deception.
(4) Ex post facto; Proposition 215 is the law and is currently in use in the City of Imperil Beach:
Very much like Council Members, Prop 215 was "voted in" by the people. Any act of “voting out” Proposition 215, ex post facto, 13 years after the law was passed and while legal “collectives” currently exist in the city of Imperial Beach, without the city council allowing to fully hear an opposing side to the issue and the land use appeal prior to the 3.1 item vote would be unjust, unfair, un-American and completely thwarting the will of the voters and turning a deaf ear to the sick and dying patients who are unable to make a stand and speak for themselves.
Please process and consider this request with urgency
Choosing to enact a ban on legally formed collectives and cooperatives has been found to be unlawful by California courts. Subsequently, any moratorium should be used to regulate the land use as opposed to attempting to ban the land use. Allowing at least one cooperative to exist in the city for monitoring and reporting purposes would definitely provide reliable, untainted "real data" to the city council for consideration and would prevent the law and the will of the voters from being circumvented.
Council Members, please imagine for a moment that you are a sick and dying patient who found relief in the effects of medical cannabis and your only safe legal access is voted away from you, ex post facto and without defense of your legal right or your voiced opinions about the benefits of the legal collective being heard prior to the vote. Or, imagine being voted in to your city council seat, but with a 4/5th's vote from the other Council Members you are prevented from taking or retaining your seat. Would that seem like a fair or due process to you?
The city staff has used deliberate deception, material misrepresentation and ex post facto to railroad and virtually slander the cooperative in the 6.6 Staff Report, all the while unfairly portraying a legitimate, legally formed group of patients as a group of nothing more than illicit drug dealers, furthermore, our appeal was not given forthright representation by city staff or fair due process in order to “find that this appeal is moot”. The city council members were instead given a 6.6 Staff Report absent of honest, valid due diligence reasons to uphold the land use determination. The deliberate deception, material misrepresentation and ex post facto used by the city staff should be grounds to find the Staff Report to be moot.
At this point in the land use determination, it is abundantly clear that the city staff has placed blind trust in, and is echoing the same misrepresenting, misguiding, misinformation campaign that has been provided by the same group of San Diego County medical marijuana prohibitionists that failed miserably at preventing the issuance of the San Diego County Medical Marijuana ID Card Program all the way through the California Supreme Court.
The same prohibitionists have been using verbiage similar to the wordplay verbiage made evident in the 6.6 Staff Report in order to willfully confuse local area city councils and circumvent the will of the voters countywide. It appears that although the President of the United States and US Attorney General have officially ordered an end to federal raids on state legalized medical cannabis patients and facilities, there are a still local anti-medical marijuana solders, in high positions, that have not stopped fighting, in part by relying on falsehoods to attack the credibility of opponents.
The prolonged fight by the county prohibitionists has taken on a mis-guiding, mis-leading, and outright desperate approach. With all due respect, the intentionally fabricated attack on the character of South Bay Organic Co-Op by the 6.6 Staff Report is similar in nature to how a guilty rapist defends rape charges when faced with a jury trial, by attacking the victim’s credibility and intent. The cooperative did nothing to deserve an attack to our credibility or intent, other than appeal the land use determination with a strong, legally backed, voter-approved law and guideline.
As some Council Members are aware, I approached you early-on in this land use determination to introduce myself and to outline my intentions with regard to the cooperative, additionally; there is at least one council member that has known me personally for many years as a Palm Avenue, Imperial Beach business owner, a repeat PTA Board Member and lead volunteer at one of our local schools. I do not have a criminal record, nor do I have a criminal mind or a criminal heart and I am not a criminal by California law, I also do not intend to break any laws in this city or state.
I, in fact, agree with most of the reasons outlined in the 3.1 Staff Report that seek to pass a moratorium. Many of the same reasons are why I became involved in the formation of South Bay Organic Co-Op. I too would like to eradicate “dispensaries” like those mentioned in the 3.1 Staff Report that are causing bad publicity that negatively reflects on the collectives and cooperatives that operate within the law and far above the expectations of the critics and the medical marijuana prohibitionists alike.
The bylaws for South Bay Organic Co-Op Board of Directors currently, tentatively include one open, voting seat for the City of Imperial Beach. The founding board members and I feel very strongly about non-diversion and strict patient membership guidelines and think the city would offer helpful ideas with regard to the initial planning and the ongoing operations of South Bay Organic Co-Op.
The overall non-profit plan for the South Bay Organic Cooperative is not at all like the “dispensaries” referred to in the Agenda Item 3.1 Staff Report. I feel you should know that, at a large expense to the cooperative, the cooperative has begun working with the co-founder of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), Mr. Don Duncan of Harborside Management Associates. Mr. Duncan was instrumental in the writing of the Oakland City Ordinance, the West Hollywood City Ordinance and the Attorney General’s Guidelines. The cooperative is retaining Harborside specifically because we would like to model the cooperative after non-profit organizations like those of Harborside. Harborside locations currently operate successfully, honestly and respectfully through California and offer a very different Staff Report about how their neighbors and cities feel about having a generous non-profit in their community.
The city council should be made aware that there are highly regarded non-profit organizations who are not mentioned in the 3.1 Staff Report and who are contributing a great deal to their communities by adding jobs during a struggling economy and providing financial support through non-profit donations to the financially strapped neighborhoods where they are located. I would very much like to work with the city council on drafting strict ordinance regarding the land use that could, by precedence, include significant additional city revenue by way of a city tax similar to Oakland’s $18 per $1,000 of sales/”transactions”.
The 6.6 Staff Report fabrication, replacement and misrepresentation of the California Attorney General’s guideline wording should not be ignored by the city council. Instead, the council should use the report as a constant reminder that other legal viewpoints regarding this particular land use issue must be earnestly considered.
It would only be logical for the city council to approve and provided for the opportunity to hear the legitimate “other side” of Agenda Item 3.1 by acting on Agenda Item 6.6 before acting on item 3.1 with an Urgency Measure, considering Proposition 215 passed in 1996, SB 420 passed in 2003 and the California Attorney General’s Guidelines were released August 2008. The only “urgency” is that my land use appeal item is on the same day.
Acting on 6.6 prior to 3.1 would be fair to the cooperative that caused the item to be on the agenda and the collectives that are already established in Imperial Beach, not to mention the voters who voted for Prop 215 so many years ago.
It has been said, “There are three sides to every story, your side, my side and the truth.” You’ll need to hear my side too, to help you in this land use determination.
I remain at your service,
Marcus Boyd
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Pot Collective Sprouts In Retirement Community - Orange County
It's been more than a dozen years since California became the first state in the nation to legalize marijuana for medical use. In some California cities, cannabis dispensaries are springing up like, well, weeds.
But in more conservative communities, patients have a harder time finding legal marijuana. That difficulty has led a group of senior citizens in Orange County to start setting up a pot collective in their luxury retirement community.
Identifying A New Need
For decades, Leisure World's resort lifestyle has attracted retirees to its swimming pools and golf greens, tennis courts and dance halls. Resident Margo Bouer's passion is synchronized swimming.
"The water's magnificent," Bouer said. "I'm me in the water. This is what keeps me alive."
Bouer, 73, is one of the younger members of the Aquadettes, a synchronized swimming group in Laguna Woods, Calif. A retired nurse, she moved to Leisure World — also known as Laguna Woods Village — 16 years ago. For Bouer, water is more than fun — it means relief from multiple sclerosis.
In the water, she doesn't shake, or lose her balance, need a walker or worry about a new symptom that began last year.
"Suddenly, I'd have a wave of nausea," she said. "And from that wave, I'd vomit, and I'd vomit from the tip of my toes all the way up. And I had no clue as to what was going on."
In April, a physician neighbor encouraged Bouer to go to a meeting about medical marijuana. She says it was a stretch for her — a former psychiatric nurse whose generation considered cannabis little more than a gateway to harder drugs. But she went, and then she experimented.
"That night, I'm sitting out on my balcony," she recalled. "That wave of nausea came. I lit that pipe and I just held it in my mouth, afraid to even inhale. But I held it in my mouth, blew it out, like that," she said, inhaling and exhaling.
"I was so preoccupied: 'Now what's happened?'" she remembers thinking. "Well, what happened is that nothing happened, except that I wasn't nauseated."
Medical Background
Dr. Bill Schwied, 88, is the neighbor who encouraged Bouer to find out about cannabis.
"The only risk involved is the legal risk, which is very frightening to many doctors and patients," Schwied said.
There have not been enough studies conducted to evaluate the full medical risks of marijuana, especially on the elderly. There is risk of developing dependence on the drug. Both the American Medical Association and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society say there is a need for more research in the field. Meanwhile, 13 states now approve the medical use of marijuana. But the federal government still classifies the plant as an illegal "Schedule I" controlled substance, with no accepted medical use — a category it shares with cocaine and heroin.
But Schwied sees that marijuana has obvious benefits.
"I don't think it cures everything, but it's one approach in medicine that the medical profession has kind of ignored," he says.
The retired doctor and nurse have become vocal advocates for elderly use of medical marijuana. Since the spring, they've appeared publicly at community meetings.
Spreading The Word
Speaking at a recent forum, Margo described her own experience.
"For the first time, the nausea dissipated," she said. "I sat there and waited for it, and I felt relaxed and I thought, 'Well, it'll probably return during the night.' But guess what? I slept like a log."

Despite having to rely on a cane and a walker to help her get around due to multiple sclerosis, Margo Bouer takes part in synchronized swimming at the Laguna Woods Village clubhouse pool.
More than 200 seniors turned out for the panel discussion on medical marijuana at the retirement community this past June. No one spoke against it.
These days, getting a doctor's recommendation for medial marijuana is easy. It's getting the cannabis that can be a problem for the seniors. Laguna Woods passed an ordinance allowing dispensaries a year ago, but so far, retail property owners have refused to lease to any marijuana businesses.
So the retirees are forming their own non-profit medical marijuana collective. A small group of them has been meeting to study their options under the law.
At a recent session, one man suggested that the group distribute not merely doses of medical marijuana, but the plants themselves.
"We could give them these little plants that they could put on their balcony that won't take much room at all," he said, "and they would be able to have medicine available in like 60 days."
The Question: How Legal Is Legal?
While some dispensaries charge $20 a gram or $600 an ounce, the seniors say they want their collective to charge only enough to cover their costs. The Orange County District Attorney's office wouldn't comment on the legality of marijuana collectives.
The Laguna Woods collective is getting legal advice. But even if they follow the letter of California's law — which permits doctor-recommended use of cannabis, and allows patients to legally buy it, or grow their own — the retirees are still taking a risk, according to Don Duncan, California director for Americans for Safe Access.
"The federal government typically doesn't target medical cannabis patients," Duncan said. "But if one or more of these patients want to join together into a collective or cooperative, there is a substantial legal risk in providing that service to the community."
Duncan said that although he sees the risk as being lower under the Obama administration, "until the federal law changes, there's always a chance that somebody could be arrested or indicted."
That possibility doesn't deter Margo Bouer.
"I'll be a test case," she said. "What are they going to do, throw me in jail? A 73-year-old person with MS?"
If that happens, Bouer is likely to have a lot of elderly supporters. Her group recently held a community meeting to announce that the collective is forming. More than 70 people turned out.
Related NPR Stories
Friday, August 14, 2009
The raids continue - when will the policy change?
On Wednesday, August 12th, officers representing seven different law enforcement agencies conducted raids in Los Angeles on two medical marijuana dispensaries and the owner's home.
Please urge our President and Attorney General to stop this practice.
Dozens of officers representing the DEA, FBI, IRS, LA County Sheriff, and three city police departments executed the paramilitary style raids, which included helicopter air support. According to the Los Angeles Times, they even shot the dog.
While nothing yet is confirmed, ASA has learned that the raids may have been conducted over allegations of tax evasion and failure to pay workers' compensation. This does not seem to justify the presence of seven different law enforcement agencies. Despite California law and recent court decisions, are medical marijuana facilities still being singled out? Heavy-handed tactics like these seem to contradict the President's stated intentions of creating a new federal policy on medical marijuana.
From California cities to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy, more and more communities are taking the time to explore reasonable regulations facilitating access to medical marijuana. It is time for the federal government to follow suit.
Please urge President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to end DEA raids and develop a sensible national policy on medical marijuana.
Thank you for your help!
Sanjeev Bery
National Field Director
Americans for Safe Access
North County Americans For Safe Access Monthly Meeting Tonight August 14th 7pm

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Marijuana is NOT Medicine? Clarification Please!
Donna Lambert: Your phone call can make a difference!
public want to have our rights as given under the medical marijuana laws! In
addition, this is a gross waste of taxpayer resources!
My name is Donna Lambert. I am being charged with 7 felonies for helping
another qualified medical marijuana patient twice, even though the judge at
my prelim ruled "she is clearly not in it for profit". Why? I live in San
The motions for my case have been filed and I only have 1 more chance in
front of a judge to get this dismissed, unless the DA will have the courage
to acknowledge 215/420 and dismiss this case themselves!
My 995 hearing is set for September 3rd, at 1:30pm, in dept. 53. All are
Please call the San Diego district attorney at (619)531-4040, and ask them
to drop the case against Donna Lambert.
DEA, FBI, IRS raid two Los Angeles Medical Cannabis Collectives; officers shoot dog
DEA, FBI, IRS raid two Los Angeles Medical Cannabis Collectives; officers shoot dog
2:04 PM | August 12, 2009
Federal authorities and local police agencies today raided two Westside marijuana dispensaries as well as the residence of the owners.
The raid occurred at facilities on Washington Boulevard in Culver City and on Overland Avenue in Los Angeles. Authorities recovered undisclosed items and are continuing their investigation, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman. The names of the owners whose homes were searched were not immediately available.
During one raid, officer shot a dog believed to be a pit bull, but the exact circumstance of the shooting remained unclear, a law enforcement spokesman said.
The Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Torrance Police Department and Culver City Police Department took part in the raids.
Law enforcement has been cracking down on pot dispensaries for some time, but officials did not immediately say what prompted these raids.
-- Andrew Blankstein
The Associated Press
Officials say more than 20 people from various agencies served a state search warrant at around 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Organica Collective in Marina del Rey.
Los Angeles police, the FBI and DEA were still searching the distribution center three hours later.
DEA spokesman Jose Martinez says agents also served the warrant at the Overland Gardens Collective in West Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles County district attorney's office says a residence also was named in the warrant.
Other details are not being released.
Calls to the two dispensaries weren't immediately returned.
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