By Eugene Davidovich, SDNN
This week, the campaign to Stop Operation Green Rx gained more supporters, including Margaret Dooley-Sammuli from the Drug Policy Alliance, Gretchen Bergman of A New Path and other prominent leaders in the non-profit sector of our community. The meeting, setup by Stop Operation Green Rx campaign manager Terrie Best, lasted several hours. We discussed my case, Operation Green Rx, the tactics of the detectives in this operation, and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ declared “fierce fight” against medical cannabis. Everyone at the meeting left concerned and sealed their commitment to making San Diego safer for medical marijuana patients.
A few days after the meeting the Drug Policy Alliance sent out a nationwide email alert asking people to support Congressman Barney Frank’s federal medical cannabis legislation:
Congress has heard the evidence about the medicinal benefits of marijuana, but legislators still haven’t changed federal law to reflect scientific fact. Tell them to end the federal medical marijuana ban now!
While Congress ignores the science, patients like Eugene Davidovich, who operates a medical marijuana collective in San Diego, are criminalized. He complies with state law and the California attorney general’s medical marijuana guidelines, but the San Diego district attorney is threatening to throw him in prison anyway.
Bolstered by the federal ban on medical marijuana, the San Diego DA is systematically harassing patients, and Eugene now faces four felony charges. This is outrageous! Will you join me in asking Congress to end the federal medical marijuana ban?
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, has introduced legislation to make marijuana legal for medical use, but opponents are organizing to defeat it.
Our message to Congress is simple: Federal law enforcement should stop harassing and arresting people for medical marijuana. It’s cruel. It’s capricious. And it’s a waste of precious taxpayer dollars. Enough is enough!
Just like you and me, lawmakers know the truth about medical marijuana. Only you can hold your member of Congress accountable. Tell your representative to face the facts.
Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance Network
The email from the Drug Policy Alliance and statements made against the operation by prominent leaders in our community are promising signs. The campaign to stop the illegal operation and harassment of medical cannabis patients in San Diego has drawn support from both sides of the political aisle and will continue to attract more supporters.
Operation Green Rx defendent Donna Lambert. (Photo by Steven Bartholow)
This week is the court date for another Operation Green Rx victim. Donna Lambert, is scheduled to appear in San Diego Superior Court on Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 1:30 pm in Department 53.
She writes:
“I am facing court very soon, I am very sick, and I am very scared. I have trouble sleeping and I would appreciate any public support on my behalf.
Today and anytime this week would be a very helpful time to call the district attorney’s office, Steve Walters at (619)531-3784. Please ask them to drop the Medical Marijuana case against Donna Lambert (ACL004).
I helped a valid qualified medical marijuana patient (also an undercover cop - who had lied to a doctor about his symptoms to obtain a valid recommendation) twice. Although, I have yet to see a signed copy of an arrest warrant, a swat style raid was conducted on my house, assault rifles pointed at me, I was taken to jail, my home destroyed, and I am now facing trial, even though the judge at my preliminary hearing ruled that I was ‘clearly not in it for profit.’”
Please support the victims of Operation Green Rx in court, tell your friends and colleagues about the details of this operation, and help us hold the responsible people accountable.
Stop Operation Green Rx.
For more information about Operation Green Rx please visit:
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