Saturday, March 20, 2010

JOSEPH NUNES SENTENCING - April 19th - 9:30am – 940 Front St. San Diego CA 92101

Joseph Nunes sentencing has been postponed to April 19th at 9:30 am. Mr. Nunes is a victim of the continued eradication efforts of the San Diego District Attorney and the DEA. He has been charged in Federal court and forced to agree to a plea bargain to avoid years of incarceration for something that is legal under state law. He is one of the founding members of the Kush Lounge and Green Cross collective that was raided during the September 9th 2009 Narcotics Task Force round of raids.

San Diego ASA recently spoke to Mr. Nunes to find out what the current status of his case is, and when the new sentencing date will be. Mr Nunes told us that he has requested some more time to get his personal affairs in order. Mr Nunes is asking the judge for probation and his attorney Mr. Jim Warner is confident that the judge will see through the bias driven persecution and reduce the sentencing guideline of 27-33 months to probation.

The sentencing has been continued to 4/19 at 9:30am in front of Judge Burns. (940 Front St. San Diego CA)

Please mark your calendars and show Joseph your support by coming to court and packing the courtroom and sending a strong message with our presence that we do not support ANY jail time for Joseph.

T: 619-621-8446
San Diego Americans for Safe Access

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1/20 San Diego City Planning Commission Meeting

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