Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Target Of Hate

By: William West - 12/22/2009

Why are we the target of your hate, what have we done to you?
Why don't you target the meth or coke it kills more than a few?
Pick on the sick, so easy to find the addressess are written down.
Disguising the truth of your personal views is the crime I found.
When in fact Dumanis its you thats really corrupt, I'm... sick of your lies.
We aren't the threat, we ask for control and to work with us we've tried.
For thriteen years we stood here begging with tears of pain in our eyes.
Our rights to compassion you've taken away, Bonnie this you can't hide.
Where is the honor of duty, or fear of harm arresting the sick and weak?
It must feel great to throw a wheelchair bound man to the back of a squad car seat?

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