Monday, February 8, 2010

COURT UPDATE: Jovan Jackson Preliminary Hearing

This morning Jovan Jackson went to court for the preliminary hearing in his second medical marijuana case, part of Bonnie Dumanis’ medical marijuana eradication efforts. The prosecution however was not ready to proceed again, and the preliminary hearing was postponed to February 22, 2010 – 8:30am Dpt 11.

This Thursday, the 11th of February Jackson’s attorney will argue Colleteral Estoppel; also known as ‘Double Jeopardy’. That day, the court will be asked to consider that a “later prosecution will necessarily entail a grossly absurd and unjust result”, as Mr. Jackson has already been vindicated of all charges related to operating a legal medical marijuana collective.

Please come out this Thursday to support Jovan and his fight against the illegal prosecutions of legitimate patients!

Eugene Davidovich
T: 619-621-8446
San Diego Americans for Safe Access

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